Monday, 27 July 2009

My first blog

Well, this is my first blog. I had been considering setting up a blog for some time now but figured that my life wouldn't be interesting enough for anyone to want to read.

It isn't.

However I decided that, in spite of this glaringly obvious flaw, I would begin blogging anyway. Mainly because I would like to start recording our life for my daughter as she grows. It's much more fun than a journal (which I have been keeping for her) as you can add pics. And partly because it's cathartic to sit down at the end of the day and 'file' your thoughts away.

But if you do happen to stumble along this little blog then I hope you enjoy it.


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! You will find later that you treasure everything you wrote down, even the 'boring' stuff.

    You will be able to keep friends up to date on your life.

    You will be able to share baby pics without having to email them to everyone.

    You will find out that Chloe will love to read this journal later and watch herself grow and be totally happy and amused that she threw a tooth brush in the toilet when she was 10mo and stole cat food from the cats when she was 14mo ^^ Or something like that.

    I have enjoyed all I have read so far and am looking forward to more posts.


  2. Thanks very much for that comment. I can't wait to share it with her as she gets older.
