Sunday 15 November 2009

11 months today

Happy 11 month birthday my lovely little girl. I can't believe you've been with me for almost a whole year now. This time last year I was counting down those last few days until you were born. I was so excited - buying all the bits and pieces we would need for your arrival. I remember when we collected the pushchair and the crib (which ended up being used only once). We set both of them up in the lounge and I put a teddy in the crib all tucked up - imagining how that was soon going to be you. Then your Daddy put the hat we bought you onto the teddy, lol. Oh I was so excited. Wondering if you were going to be a Christmas baby as your due date was December 22nd. I remember wandering around Mothercare just gazing at the clothes, picking what I was going to dress you in when you arrived. Chloe you will never know or understand just how wanted you were. It's such a cliche but you really were a dream come true for me and you have made my life so wonderful. I couldn't live it without you. I know I am just a guardian for your wee soul that God has given me, but I am forever thankful that He did.

Love you more than life itself.

Mommy xx

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